UNESCO’s partnership with Wikimedia Indonesia is supported by the Wikimedia Foundation and the European Union through the Social Media 4 Peace project. This project aims to strengthen the resilience ...
Mohammad Al Tanani was a photojournalist and camera operator working for Al Aqsa TV. He was reporting with a TV crew on military operations in the Jabalia refugee camp when the cr ...
Hassan Hamad was a 19-year-old freelance journalist working with the media outlet Media Town. He had been reporting on a military incursion when he was reportedly hit by a drone strike.
UNESCO has prioritized engaging youth to help document and learn about their living heritage to help transmit these practices to a new generation. Focused capacity-building programmes have helped ...
The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Mr. Joseph Mugwang’a, Principal of KMTC Nairobi, and Dr. Kelly Oluoch, Chief Executive Officer of KMTC. UNESCO was represented by Mr. Lamine Sow ...
In a fragmented world facing immense challenges, we need political leaders who are committed to building lasting peace. I am delighted that the jury has chosen António Luís Santos da Costa, who has ...
The municipality of Cuajinicuilapa, in Guerrero, is home to the first museum dedicated to Afro-descendants and to break the silence about the history of slavery in Mexico: the Museum of Afro-mestizo ...
Le 22 décembre 2015, l'Assemblée générale a adopté la résolution A/RES/70/212 par laquelle elle décide de proclamer le 11 février de chaque année Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de ...
La Journée mondiale de la poésie, commémorée le 21 mars de chaque année, célèbre l'une des formes d'expression et d'identité linguistique et culturelle les plus précieuses de l'humanité. La Conférence ...
La Journée mondiale de la culture africaine et afrodescendante, célébrée chaque année le 24 janvier, célèbre les nombreuses cultures dynamiques du continent africain et des diasporas africaines à ...
L’initiative de célébrer une Journée internationale de la langue maternelle vient du Bangladesh. Elle a été approuvée à la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO en 1999 et est observée dans le monde entier ...