Fish Treatment Ltd in collaboration with Mainstream Fisheries Ltd have been involved in the development of unique eDNA ...
When Takashi Amano introduced the Yamato numa shrimp to his planted tanks in the early 1990s, he revolutionised natural algae control. This see-through, unassuming freshwater shrimp eats algae ...
Today, somewhere in the world, someone will be looking at a tank full of dead fish and scratching their head, unable to ascertain why. It might be something catastrophic that’s happened in the tank, a ...
New to fishkeeping? This planted aquarium is easy to set up, and is suitable for beginners who would like to grow live plants in their community tank. For our set-up, the aquarium we chose was a Juwel ...
What is an African biotope aquarium? Much like a regular biotope aquaria which is an aquarium that is set-up to simulate a natural habitat, an African biotope aquarium will feature fish, plants, water ...
Bob Mehen takes a look at the the see-through siluriids —glassy creatures that refuse to conform to the accepted catfish stereotype. Catfish seem to be everywhere. The siluriforme group has more ...
Matt Clarke answers some of the most common questions on choosing an aquarium filter. Why do I need a filter? A filter is essential for removing wastes produced by fish. Without one, the water would ...
Follow our step-by-step guide to making your own truly budget breeding mop. In this age of hi-tech fishkeeping in some ways we know more than ever, but I can’t help wondering if some of the ...
We have been eagerly awaiting the release of a new book — The Amazon Below Water, by Oliver Lucanus — and here it is! Oliver Lucanus is known world-wide as a fish collector, exporter and photographer, ...
Origin: This is a North American species and has been recorded from several states in the south east of the USA, including Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. The species was originally endemic to the ...
A blend of scary looks, scary names and scary reputations, we bring you 10 fish (well, OK - nine fish and one invert, we admit we've cheated a little) that wouldn't seem out of place at your Halloween ...
Forever spoiled for choice, you can't go far wrong with a Corydoras, says Julian Dignall. There are many reasons why Corydoras are popular and have been an enduring part of our hobby almost since its ...