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Zhiyi Chen, Xiaoxi Wang, and Hoilam Leong, graduates and student in Product Design and Manufacture (PDM) from the University ...
Up to now, UNNC has five subjects - Economic & Business, Engineering, Environment/Ecology, Materials Science, and Social ...
环境/生态学新上榜!上榜的学科数量在中国合作类办学大学中位居第二。 创历史新高!研究方向涵盖人工智能、能源、纳米科学与技术等多个新兴产业。 陈杰副部长对宁波诺丁汉大学办学20年来取得的成绩予以肯定, 表示学校在培养国际化创新型人才、促进 ...
Wang, J., Yang, X.*, & Deng, H. 2023. Different curvilinear effects of challenge/hindrance stressors on creativity: the role of resource. In Sonia Taneja (Ed ...
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China is committed to teaching high quality European languages, and Spanish is no exception. El Español, or Spanish, is considered to be the world's third most ...
宁波诺丁汉大学于2004年经教育部批准成立,是中国第一所具有独立校园、独立法人资格的中外合作大学,也是英国诺丁汉大学全球教育体系的重要成员之一。学校致力于培养立足中国、具有国际化视野且能胜任未来的创新型高级人才,面向国内外招收本科生 ...
On 24 September 2024, the list of winners of the 2023 Ningbo Science and Technology Awards was announced. Professor Giampaolo ...
OLGA DANILKINA在俄罗斯、葡萄牙、东非、南非和中国的国际大学拥有超过20年的教学和研究经验。 在2023年加入宁波诺丁汉大学之前,OLGA在上海交通大学密西根学院担任了5年的数学副教授。OLGA还参与了非洲数学科学研究所(AIMS)的教育和外展方面的广泛发展计划。
We are a world top choice for employers, and our graduates have found jobs with prominent Chinese employers such as Bank of China and Wahaha, as well as leading global companies such as Boeing, Amazon ...