Educators know firsthand that school-based discrimination against transgender students harms them profoundly by stigmatizing them and denying them equitable educational opportunities. This guidance ...
Each month, we feature three books—one each for young, middle grade, and young adult readers—that explore a topic related to diversity and inclusion. Check out the calendar below to see what's in ...
Whether you’re new to the profession or embracing a new challenge, we can help you help your students succeed. We believe that every educator is a learner. That’s why NEA is proud to bring you the ...
Three million members elect 9,000 delegates–who elect NEA's top officers, debate issues, and set NEA policy. Here are your leaders, making your voice heard. The nine-member Executive Committee is ...
Cellphone bans in schools are proliferating in the face of mounting evidence that the devices are taking a serious toll on students' ability to focus in the classroom and their overall mental health.
Educators throughout history have fought to protect the democratic promise of public education. Today, teachers preserve American democracy through their classroom teaching, demands at the bargaining ...
Educators across the country have engaged in Election 2024 through their union. Through door knocking, phone banking, and postcard writing, educators are helping voters understand the clear difference ...
Project 2025 is a blueprint to radically reshape the federal government and push a wide range of far-right policies in a second Donald Trump presidency. The 900+ page proposal includes detailed plans ...
Art is a quick and powerful way to reach people on an emotional level. Here are some ideas to help you incorporate our art into your organizing: Click, download, and print these posters to hang in ...
Education support professionals (ESPs) around the country are building their political muscle through the creation of local, state, and national ESP Bill of Rights campaigns. The Bill of Rights (or ...
Project 2025 is a sweeping policy document for a second Trump administration. Among its recommendations? An end to the federal government’s student loan programs, including Parent Plus loans, ...
Tell us about your union win. No win is too small. Whether you secured a contract that included additional planning time, passed state legislation funding mental health supports for students, or ...