Welcome to 2011 and the re-birth of DecryptedTech.com. It has been a few months since I have written anything for this site; but then again there has been a lot going on. Instead or rehashing the dram ...
While a nice layout, cool colors and a good feature set listed on the box might be nice performance is what most people are looking for in a motherboard. A good feature set does not matter so much if ...
There is good news for consumers, but some pretty bad news for content owners as the High Court in the European Union has declared that it is legal for someone to sell their software licenses to ...
After they completely redesigned interface of the new iOS 7, Apple has done the same with web service iCloud. The first change you'll notice when visiting the website is the new login screen through ...
With every new product that hits the market there are going to be winners and losers. This is true from CPUs to GPU s and everything in between. There is one place where this is more true than any ...
With the launch of Intel’s Haswell there was the normal shift to a new chipset. This is Intel’s Z87 chipset and everyone rushed to get their version of this new chipset out onto the market. Many of ...
For those of you that are old enough to remember the birth of the AMD Athlon CPU then you might also remember that AMD picked up quite a bit of the technology from a company called DEC. DEC had a CPU ...
According to recent rumors it seems that TSMC and Samsung will be able to push out 14nm full node and 16nm half node FinFET products earlier than anticipated. This is certainly going to be good news ...
One thing that the mobile market brought with it is a need for power. While it is true that the battery life of our mobile devices has increased it is still not where many would like it. There are a ...
Intel announced that they have taken over a start-up company Basis Science from San Francisco. It is a company that specializes in the development and production of biometric sensors, and theri most ...
One of the hottest topics last month at the IFA trade show in Berlin was certainly the new 4K technology. It's not some kind of out-of-this world technology, it's just the next step in increasing ...
Google has officially unveiled the new Google Maps for devices with the Android operating system. The user interface has undergone a complete redesign and now looks a lot cleare. They also removed ...