In towns such as Brest this can result in fees as low as €70 a year. However, in Marseille the average figure is around €217.
In towns such as Brest this can result in fees as low as €70 a year. However, in Marseille the average figure is around €217.
The ‘l'arrondi épargne’ system enables shoppers to round up their purchases to the nearest euro, and deposit the excess in ...
A whale was spotted in the Seine river this week, with authorities believing the animal to be a humpback whale (baleine à ...
Spider bites are rare in France, unless you come into direct contact with a spider, and are essentially unheard of in a home, ...
Local authorities may ask for an étude de sol before you install a new sanitation system that is not connected to sewers ...
To replace a lost or stolen, card you need to apply through France’s Interior Ministry website. Choose the option Je déclare ...