Vorgestellt im Jahr 1984, avancierte der Ferrari Testarossa zur Ikone der Popkultur und zum Poster Car der italienischen Keilform. Am 12. November 2024 werden Pininfarina und Classic Driver diesen ...
Humer, Granner & Co’s kommende Classic Car & Motorcycle Auktion vom 19. Oktober besticht mit einem der vielfältigsten ...
Humer, Granner & Co’s upcoming Classic Car & Motorcycle Auction on October 19th has one of the most varied arrays of collector cars we’ve seen this year. Whether your collection needs a new headline ...
It’s that time of the year again when you switch from the racing seat of your classic to a vintage lounge chair at the ...
Es beginnt die Zeit im Jahr, in der Sie den Schalensitz Ihres Klassikers gegen den anderen Designklassiker vor dem Kamin ...
Für viele ist ein Porsche der ultimative Garagentraum. Doch nachdem Paolo Vanotti den Alfa Romeo GTA eines Freundes erlebt hatte, verkaufte er seine seltenen Porsche und gründete die Alleggerita ...
For many, Porsche represents the ultimate garage goal. But after Paolo Vanotti experienced his friend’s Alfa Romeo GTA, he traded his rare Porsches to start the Alleggerita Collection. We joined the ...
In the history of McLaren, two-letter badges carry some serious weight. The F1 was a game-changing supercar, considered by many to still be the pinnacle of analogue performance, while the P1 was ...
Last weekend, our friends from Motoring Attitude hosted another edition of their season closing event at the Nautilus Hotel on Lake Como. And again, Scuderia Nautilus allured its guests with a wild ...
Letztes Wochenende veranstaltete Motoring Attitude eine weitere Ausgabe ihrer unverzichtbaren Saisonabschlussveranstaltung im ...
After we got our first taste of Officine Fioravanti’s gated manual Alfa Romeo 8CM earlier this year, there was only one question on our minds: when will this dream machine be available to the public?
Car 1980 Daimler DS 420 Historics Aucti ...