Roger Caldwell responds to an analysis of Nietzsche’s morality. For many, Nietzsche and morality make an unlikely conjunction. Certainly, for all his challenging views – or perhaps because they proved ...
The following answers to this key philosophical question each win a random book. It is clear that morality is a feature of humanity. However, if morality were objective then every member of our ...
Barbara Hands considers whether it is ever right for the law to limit your freedom of choice and action, for your own good. Fred and Bob are a gay couple who have been together for 15 years. Fred is ...
Friedrich Nietzsche was destined, like his father and grandfather before him, to become a Lutheran minister. From his earliest days he was steeped in a Christian setting, growing up in a household of ...
Academician Abdusalam A. Guseinov on pacificism and the perspective of the infinite beginning. The idea of nonviolence entered into the cycle of Russian ethics on the wave of Mikhail Gorbachev’s ...
Our philosophical science correspondent Massimo Pigliucci asks. “Before my meeting with [physicist Roger] Penrose, I had taken it for granted that science was open-ended, even infinite… The ...
While there remains no consensus on what dignity is, by far the most important and famous conception of it remains the classical liberal account developed by Immanuel Kant. The fame is well deserved, ...
Does God Exist?: The Debate Between Theists and Atheists by J.P. Moreland & Kai Neilsen, with additional contributions. A review by Sue Johnson. This book consists of transcripts of two debates, ...
Mark Cain on the 50th anniversary of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s death. April 29th was the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein is one the few genuinely ...
Brian Morris deplores John Moore and friends’ views on Nietzsche and anarchism. This interesting collection of essays, mostly by male academic philosophers, is largely an attempt to convince us that ...
Stephen Leach considers what Bertrand Russell thought about common sense & reality – and how the one does not necessarily show you the other. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) believed that reality is ...
The first English version of a classic essay by Peter Wessel Zapffe, originally published in Janus #9, 1933. Translated from the Norwegian by Gisle R. Tangenes. One night in long bygone times, man ...