16 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日——瑞典斯德哥尔摩 - 根据英国消费者协会的研究,持续的供应链中断、边境延误以及食品生产商面临的通胀压力是导致超市货架缺货情况不断增加的原因之一。 定价者,领先的店内自动化和通信解决方案提供商。 Pricer 对 1,000 多名英国购物 ...
伦敦,15 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日 – 随着我们进入黄金季,受黑色星期五、万圣节和圣诞节等大型购物活动推动的消费需求增加,英国供应链正准备应对巨大压力。对于 Warburtons、Hovis 和 Allied Bakeries 等英国面包店来说,这一时期带来了独特的挑战,尤其是在确保面包篮 ...
随着零售商 Asda 在减少总体碳排放方面继续取得进展,该公司正在投资两个新的生物液化天然气 (Bio-LNG) 加气设施。该公司与 ...
华润集团旗下的香港知名连锁超市Uselect宣布关闭更多分店,其中著名的皇后台店将于23月XNUMX日关闭。这... 随着全球零售格局的演变,超市不断寻求最大化盈利的方法。提高利润率的最有效策略之一是选择回报更高的产品类别。 美国联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) 可能 ...
In recent years, environmental sustainability has emerged as a critical focus for consumers and businesses alike. As climate change concerns continue to mount, the demand for eco-friendly practices in ...
In recent years, environmental sustainability has emerged as a critical focus for consumers and businesses alike. As climate change concerns continue to mount, the demand for eco-friendly practices in ...
Asda is investing in two new Bio-LNG (liquefied natural gas) refuelling facilities, as the retailer continues to make progress towards reducing overall carbon emissions. Working closely with Gasrec – ...
Uselect, a well-known supermarket chain in Hong Kong owned by China Resources Group, has announced the closure of additional branches, including the notable Queen’s Terrace store, which will shut down ...
In France, dairy products hold a special place in the culinary landscape, with the average consumer enjoying a wide array of options from cheese to yogurt. The French are known for their love of ...
As food prices in New Zealand continue to rise, the country’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) is coming under fire. Recent statistics from Stats NZ indicate a 1.2% increase in food costs over the past ...
In an increasingly globalized world, food culture is becoming more interconnected, with consumers eager to explore international cuisines. This openness not only enriches local culinary scenes but ...