The Octoberfest is a noble tradition in category theory: a low-key, friendly conference for researchers to share their work and thoughts. This year it’s on Saturday October 26th and Sunday October ...
I haven’t been carefully following quantum field theory these days, but some folks on the Category Theory Community Server asked me what I thought about recent work using the ‘amplitudohedron’ and ...
I called this chapter of my course “Relations”, but I should have called it “Specifying subsets and functions”, because that’s what it’s all about. This week, we saw that it’s possible to define ...
John Baez, Joe Moeller and Todd Trimble, 2-rig extensions and the splitting principle. Our paper categorifies a famous method for studying vector bundles, called the ‘splitting principle’. But it also ...
Oct 10, 2024 John Baez, Joe Moeller and Todd Trimble have a new paper out that rethinks the splitting principle in the context of categorified rigs, or ‘2-rigs’.
We’ve just finished the second week of my undergraduate Axiomatic Set Theory course, in which we’re doing Lawvere’s Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets but without mentioning categories. This ...
This phase of the course is all about building up the basic apparatus. We’ve stated our axioms, and it might seem like they’re not very powerful. It’s our job now to show that, in fact, they’re ...
Here’s some basic information about the next big annual applied category theory conference — Applied Category Theory 2025 — and the school that goes along with that: the Adjoint School.
Hello unknown@ So nice of you to stop by. I'm a member of the Theory Group here at UT. I've been at UT since September 1994. Before coming here, I was an Assistant Professor in the theory ...
In Part 4, I presented a nifty result supporting my claim that classical statistical mechanics reduces to thermodynamics when Boltzmann’s constant k k approaches zero. I used a lot of physics jargon ...