VP8G Falklands News. Gerben, PG5M will be active as VP8G from Falkland Islands, IOTA SA - 002, 15 - 25 November 2024.
PX0FF Team will be active from Fernando de Noronha, IOTA SA - 003, during October 2024. Team - Experience contesters from ...
C91BV Team will be active from Mozambique, 17 - 24 October 2024. Team - CX3DDB, CX3AN, CX8FB, CX2AM. Recent DX Spots C91BV ...
Rich, N6KT will be active as PJ4K from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA - 006 in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 26 - 27 October 2024.
3D22 3D2V Team will be active from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC - 060. Team - Members of the Rebel DX Group. Rotuma belongs to Fiji and is as far away from the heart of the archipelago as possible. The ...
PX0FF Team will be active from Fernando de Noronha, IOTA SA - 003, until 21 October 2024.
The Republic of Nauru is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean near the equator. It is one of the most isolated places in the world - the nearest population centre is Banaba Island, over 300km away.
Гари, G0FWX будет вновь активен с острова Сент Китс, IOTA NA-104, 16 - 23 октября 2024, позывным V47FWX. Нобуаки, JH0JHQ будет активен с острова Сайпан, IOTA OC-086, в соревнованиях CQ WW DX SSB ...
Влад, OK2WX будет активен позывным 5H1WX с острова Мафия, IOTA AF - 054, Танзания, 18 сентября - 6 октября 2024. Он будет работать на диапазонах 80 - 10м, CW, SSB, цифровыми видами.
Bruce, ex 3W3B will be active from Vietnam as XV9B. He will operate on HF Bands plus 6m Band, CW, Digital modes. A country of impenetrable jungles and small mountains, standing on the land of ancient ...