Our commitment to communities extends beyond our employees to our customers and the places where we live and work around the globe. We support disaster relief efforts, promote volunteerism and advance ...
Compre antes, envie com antecedência: Neste ano, a correria das compras de fim de ano começa em um piscar de olhos. Mais da metade dos clientes planejam começar as compras de Natal em outubro e a UPS ...
Shoppers are getting an early start – is your online shop ready? 早めの買い物と発送を: This year, the holiday rush begins sooner rather than later. More than half of consumers plan to start their gift ...
Shoppa tidigt för en tidig leverans: This year, the holiday rush begins sooner rather than later. More than half of consumers plan to start their gift shopping in October, and UPS is at the ready to ...
Shipping luxury items internationally is no easy feat, requiring incredible attention to detail, from packaging and customs to final delivery. The fact of the matter is – when you have a premium ...
Comprar con anticipación, enviar con anticipación: Este año, el ajetreo de las fiestas comienza antes que después. Más de la mitad de los consumidores planea comenzar a comprar regalos en octubre, y ...
Tick tock … see how our global shipping expertise is making a difference for this high-end watchmaker Shipping luxury items internationally is no easy feat ...
在國際上託運奢侈品絕非易事,從包裝到海關再到最終送件,細節都要一絲不苟。實情是,當您擁有精製產品時,您需要像 UPS 這樣的精緻物流提供商。 永恆的一對:一個多世紀來,Oris 一直在其位於瑞士荷爾斯泰因的總部製作奢侈機械鐘錶。該公司的鐘錶因其 ...
Acheter tôt, expédier tôt : Cette année, la saison des fêtes arrive plus tôt que jamais. Plus de la moitié des clients prévoient de commencer leurs achats pour les fêtes dès octobre, et UPS se tient ...