As the NBA pre-season opens, a celebrity game led by NBA legends also took place in Shanghai this weekend. The game featured ...
🀄️《A Week Or So In... Shanghai》新一集,加拿大 🐉 Red Dragons 今年夏天在上海的 9 天滑板之旅,来看看 Micky Papa & Ryan Decenzo 如何玩上海地形。
"Are foreigners all here to make money in China? Can foreigners not survive without praising China? Sorry to disappoint you all," said Kieran, a"Post-90s" ...
A new generative artificial intelligence pilot zone debuted in Shanghai on Saturday, with more AI firms located in the city's ...
SHANGHAI, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- The 3 millionth vehicle produced by Tesla Gigafactory Shanghai rolled off the assembly line on Friday, reaching a new milestone amid the U.S. company's commitment to ...
O terceiro milionésimo veículo produzido pela Gigafábrica da Tesla em Shanghai saiu da linha de montagem na sexta-feira, ...
В пятницу с конвейера завода Tesla Gigafactory Shanghai сошел 3-миллионный автомобиль, что стало знаковой вехой в истории ...
北京时间10月11日晚,一场别开生面的 网球 表演赛在上海激情上演,吸引了众多体育迷和音乐爱好者的目光。这场名为“罗杰·费德勒超级挚友之夜”的表演赛的阵容,包括网球传奇 罗杰·费德勒 、华语乐坛天王 陈奕迅 、 乒乓球 奥运冠军 樊振东 ...
中证网讯(记者 黄一灵)10月9日-10月11日,由上海交易所国际交流合作中心(Shanghai International Centre for Communication and Cooperation between Exchanges, SICCCE,以下简称国际交流中心)主办、沪深交易所支持的“2024年证券交易所国际培训班”在线举行。 据悉,本次线上培训班是加强“一带一路”沿线相关交易 ...
Bloomberg Economics forecasts that the proportion of China's high-tech industry in the gross domestic product will grow from ...
据上交所官网消息,2024年10月9至11日,由上海交易所国际交流合作中心(Shanghai International Centre for Communication and Cooperation betweenExchanges, SICCCE,以下简称“国际交流中心”)主办、沪深交易所支持的“2024年证券交易所国际培训班”成功在线举行。 本次线上培训班是加强“一带一路”共建国家相关交易 ...
Starting from October 10th, all China Southern Airlines (CSA) domestic flights departing from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport under ...