The People's Joker is a 2022 American parody superhero film directed by Vera Drew, and written by Drew and Bri LeRose. The film unofficially parodies characters from the Batman comics, and the main ...
It also features Romero chewing up the scenery in the only Joker that’s truly fun. His performance, along with the other stars-of-yesteryear villains of the series, is the only time that Batman ...
It's about a man named Arthur Fleck who seems to be the Joker a lot of people remember from Batman canon: he wears clown makeup, he lives in Gotham City, he's seen as an agent of chaos ...
“Why can’t you see the funny side?” Joker asks Batman in The Killing Joke. “Why aren’t you laughing?” In Wednesday’s Absolute Batman #1 by Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta — a ...