英國昆蟲學家普魯特(英语:Louis Beethoven Prout)後來將其中的兩隻雄蛾與兩隻雌蛾鑑定為東南亞的物種 Ourapteryx picticaudata,但井上認為這批標本應屬於張氏尾尺蛾。
1770 Baptized in Bonn on December 17, thus probably born on December 16, the son of Johann van Beethoven, a tenor in the court chapel of the prince-elector. First musical instruction from his father.
Die land is aan die gons nadat die omstrede diamantsmous Louis Liebenberg gisteraand deur ... webwerf lui dat kolonel Danie Bruwer aan stuur van die arrestasies was en dat beide Liebenberg en ...