In recent years, Liaobu Soybean Sauce, a traditional intangible cultural heritage of Dongguan, has entered people's vision ...
BEIJING, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- More than 20 Chinese listed companies on Sunday announced that they have signed agreements with financial institutions or obtained commitment letters to secure loans for s ...
In Jiading District, the 3rd Shanghai Citizen Sports Entertainment Carnival opened at Shanghai Citizen Sports Park. Running ...
转自:中国科协 科技飞速发展的今天,长时间的太空旅行对人类来说依然是非常困难的,除了幽闭的小空间可能会对航天员带来心理损伤之外,航天器有限的载重如何在人员、水、空气以及食物之间取得平衡也是一个很大的问题。 航天员的食物从哪里来?
知名连锁炸鸡品牌Dave's Hot Chicken正在为超级巨星Drake十月份的庆生而做准备,并提供一些免费的食物,这意味着本月将有更多“不花钱”的美味等待着大家。 Dave's Hot Chicken的首席执行官Bill Phelps表示:“我们很高兴Drake选择与Dave's的顾客们一起庆祝他的生日。” ...