Everyone loves a sweet treat or a good salty crunch, but we also like zipping up our pants. Jennifer Bowers, PhD, RD, ...
Chocolate desserts and snacks are the hardest things to cut out for those trying to follow a healthy diet. But delicious brownies don't have to be avoided with the right recipe. Weight loss is ...
As one of just 70 or so mothers, Squilla is part of a small group that represents the species’ last chance for survival. The fact that Squilla had a daughter made the birth more significant ...
Until now, writes biomedical scientist Elizabeth Howard from UA and her colleagues, "there is no study that has investigated the role of various fibers in one cohort." To make up for this, the current ...
Research on the gut microbiome has triggered a 'revolution' in nutritional science, and in the last few years, dietary fiber has become the "new protein" – added to foods in abundance to feed ...
CHESAPEAKE, Va. — We hear the term fiber optics but many of us may not know what that is. ”It is basically pulses of light traveling down a glass strand that is about the size of a human hair.