Way back in the final years of the 20th century, DC Comics dominated television screens with the now legendary Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series, both of which were ...
The story centers on Van Helsing, a legendary monster hunter who travels to Transylvania to kill Dracula and save the last members of the ancient Romanian family. The story focuses on Batman who has a ...
Beneath his chaotic facade, he’s a complex character who deeply craves heroism. Most comic villains have clear motivations, but what if the Joker’s twisted psyche hides a hero waiting to emerge? Sure, ...
Superhero games have been around for a long time before the PS2, but it felt like Sony’s second console was when developers really started to play around with the powers and abilities of the ...
This week on Polygon, we’re exploring how superheroes are dominating not just comics and movies, but all media, in a special issue called Superculture. However, where modern Hollywood is found lacking ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been the reigning power of the movie business for nearly two decades now, but in 2025 DC Studios will be making its bid for power with the launch of a new DC Universe ...