在9月华为和苹果分别带来了自己的旗舰手机,热度占据了整个手机圈,而随着10月高通和联发科也要或已经发布了自己新款旗舰处理器骁龙8至尊版和天玑9400,一大批搭载这两款芯片的国产新机也要杀到。 基本上都把成本用… ...
10 月 5 日消息,《英雄联盟》2024 全球总决赛(S14)瑞士轮第三轮抽签结果今日公布,LNG 战队将在今晚 8 点迎战 DK 战队。此外,BLG、TES、WBG 将于明日(10 月 6 日)分别迎战 T1、FNC、G2 战队。
Local co-op options can be a bit harder to find since the feature is not typically prioritized on platforms like Steam, but they also exist and there are some great titles out there. Updated ...
Turns out, Valve has actually been hit by such arbitration zergs, and recently, too.As reported by Reuters, late last year, Valve filed a lawsuit against Zaiger, a "small law firm" that had ...
整个入围赛阶段将持续五天,于9月29日结束。在这一阶段,八支队伍将被分成两个小组进行BO3双败淘汰比赛,每个小组的胜者将晋级瑞士轮。 在入围赛期间,败者组战绩为1-1的队伍将进行两两比赛,争夺最后两个晋级席位。最终,会有四支队伍进入瑞士轮比赛。
后续比赛信息请以官方发布为准。 2024无畏契约改变者赛CN赛区资格赛将于9月25日-10月20日进行,本次赛事分为小组赛、淘汰赛两个阶段,参赛的16支队伍将被分为四个小组,进行BO3组内双败淘汰赛。小组前两名将进入淘汰赛。淘汰赛阶段依旧采用双败淘汰赛制 ...
Filling your cart with the best free Steam games is the perfect way to get the most out of your PC gaming setup. Maybe you've been treated to a brand new PC or just wanted to fill out your library ...
This guide helps you create the best loadout with both single and multiplayer modes in BO3. This is a pretty simple setup using KN-44, one of the best weapons in the game, with a three-hit kill ...