In Ayurveda, a dosha refers to a person's three primary energies ... You can do this by looking at physical traits, mental traits like your thought process, decision-making style), and emotional ...
Many who embrace Ayurveda experience a range of positive health benefits. Ayurvedic philosophy basically is the concept of doshas—three life forces that govern bodily functions: vata (space and air), ...
From an Ayurvedic perspective, cancer reflects a significant loss of cellular and physiological intelligence. Cancer is the result of long-term vitiation of Doshas, including Vata, Pitta ...
Ayurveda firmly asserts that the balance between our body and its environment is significantly influenced by the three doshas governing our physical, mental, and emotional attributes. These doshas ...
Ayurveda’s principles are built on the idea of the body's inner intelligence and bringing out a balance— in your doshas, Agni ...
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Disclaimer: This article provides general information and does not constitute medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms of SAD, please consult a mental health professional for personalized ...
The 10-unit syllabus attempts to merge ancient Ayurvedic concepts with contemporary biological sciences. For instance, Unit 7 introduces “Ayurgenomics,” proposing to study traditional dosha ...
In Ayurvedic medicine, asthma is believed to occur from Vata and Kapha dosha imbalance, causing lung congestion. Kalonji addresses this underlying issue, clearing mucus and balancing the doshas to ...