As Oshi no Ko is an ongoing manga, it makes it difficult to establish whether Aqua will ultimately end up with Akane or not. According to the manga's plot, they were previously in a relationship ...
This means being able to scan anything from work invoices to receipts, and the beauty of scanning apps is that they don't just create a PDF copy, but also allow you to edit the file as required ...
The mysterious wreck of the Endurance, the ship that famously sank during Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ill-fated 1914 Antarctic expedition, has been brought to life through stunning 3D scans and ...
A sample of Heller's brain scans, which she is working to make available to other scientists to incorporate into their own research. (Julian Sergej Benedikt Ramirez, Carina Heller) Inside the ...
The intricate details of the sunken Endurance, the ship lost on Sir Ernest Shackleton's doomed 1914 Antarctic expedition, have been revealed through 3D scans and underwater photographs.
The scans also revealed most of a human face—lips, eyes and part of a nose —previously completely invisible to the naked eye. Gough had commissioned the engravings for his book to illustrate ...
Furthermore, the rest of the crew will soon be arriving on Elbaf. One Piece manga is on a two-week break because Oda is working as the executive producer for One Piece live-action Season 2.