The historic port city of Niigata in northwest Japan is one of the few remaining geisha strongholds outside of Kyoto. Known ...
Once a thriving trade hub, Niigata City’s old world streetscapes, delectable cuisine, and unique culture continues to ...
This 3-day Hiroshima itinerary covers the best things to do in Hiroshima City, Miyajima, and other must-visit destinations in Hiroshima Prefecture. From poignant landmarks like the Peace Park to ...
Colorful, modern, and dynamic, Harajuku fashion is the reflection of Japan’s latest trends! But how did Harajuku fashion come to be and what is its true meaning? Has Harajuku fashion changed ...
福岡的「大名」位於九州最繁華的鬧區天神西側,面積並不是很大。小巷中塞滿了以年輕人為對象的時裝店、雜貨店,以及販售福岡美食的餐飲店、老字號商店、懷舊建築等,十分受到當地居民與觀光客的喜愛。這次要為大家介紹的,就是位於大名附近,適合在 ...
규슈 경제의 중심지 후쿠오카. 후쿠오카 공항에는 한국, 대만, 태국, 베트남 등 아시아를 중심으로 한 각국의 직항편이 취항하고 있어, 방일 관광객에게도 인기 있는 장소입니다. 이러한 후쿠오카 공항에서 전철로 단 6분 거리이고, 신칸센 정차역이기도 한 ...
'지구의 신비가 느껴지는 오이타현 벳푸 온천의 지옥 순례! 지옥 순례란 연기와 뜨거운 물 등이 끊임없이 분출되고 있는 지점 몇 곳을 둘러보는 것입니다. 모든 '지옥'을 둘러볼 예정이라면 접근성 좋은 숙소에 숙박하고 싶어질 것입니다. 이번에는 '지옥 순례 ...
位於京都宇治的平等院鳳凰堂,不僅是舉世聞名的世界遺產,連日圓十塊銅板到萬圓大鈔都看得到它的蹤影。而這座平安時代美學的顛峰,不僅是一座華麗的建築而已,它背後所蘊含的思想背景也十分深奧。 本文內含聯盟行銷推廣連結。若您透過聯盟行銷連結 ...
眼藥水是許多人到日本必買的藥妝品之一,具有令人驚嘆的多元種類。隨著唐吉訶德、松本清等日本藥妝店在台開幕,抑或是屈臣氏等在地商店的進貨,現在許多日本眼藥水更容易在台灣買到了!面對商架上琳瑯滿目的眼藥水,要找到自己合適的可能得花些時間 ...
Fukui has developed a unique image for itself as the “Dinosaur Kingdom” due to its strong affiliation with dinosaurs. It all started in 1982, when a crocodile fossil from the Early Cretaceous era was ...
In a world where women historically struggled to establish themselves stands the legendary figure of the “ama.” Cloaked in their sheer white garments, these revered Japanese divers faced the depth of ...
With countless bars, karaoke joints, and clubs, the scale of Japan’s nightlife is unmatched. But the enigmatic “snack bar” often remains a mystery to even the most experienced bar-hoppers. Japanese ...