Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated in Belgrade that relations between Serbia and Turkey have reached a "golden age ...
Although Slobodan Sadžakov, a professor at the University of Novi Sad, specializes in a wide range of topics, encompassing ...
Although the state budget was increased by 132.5 billion dinars at the same time when teachers were protesting, it turned out ...
The President of Turkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is visiting Serbia today. Erdoğan arrived in Belgrade last night, where he ...
The photography exhibition by Zoran Mesarović titled "Lament over Belgrade," produced by the Gaia movement, will open tonight ...
The Executive Board of the National Bank of Serbia decided at today's session to keep the benchmark interest rate at 5.75%.
The entire administration of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, led by Dean Dejan Gvozdić, has resigned, reports nova.rs.
Sebbene Slobodan Sadžakov, professore all'Università di Novi Sad, sia specializzato in un'ampia gamma di argomenti, che ...
Erdoğan è arrivato a Belgrado ieri sera, dove è stato accolto all'aeroporto Nikola Tesla dal Presidente della Serbia, che ...
Sebbene il bilancio statale sia stato aumentato di 132,5 miliardi di dinari proprio quando gli insegnanti stavano protestando ...
Il Comitato Esecutivo della Banca Nazionale della Serbia ha deciso nella seduta di ieri di mantenere il tasso di interesse di ...
The total value of loans taken by businesses, entrepreneurs and citizens of Serbia in September this year amounted to 3.726 ...