Putin’s Russia is based on corruption and “lies, nothing but lies.” “It will,” he has written,  inevitably “crumble and collapse.” The late Navalny’s scathing assessment is a central theme in his ...
It’s back-to-back by-election gargantuan week for by-elections as we see 16 held this Thursday. It was another disaster week for Labour: they only held half of the 8 seats they were defending, losing ...
Roz Savage made her maiden speech last week. You may remember that we highlighted her last week, after her success in being given the chance to introduce a private members bill on Climate Change and ...
In Citizen’s Britain Paddy Ashdown argued that despite the Conservative government’s claims of “rolling back the frontiers of ...
Luke Taylor made his maiden speech last week in the debate on Farming and Food Security. Here is his speech in full: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. It is a pleasure ...
Much of the debate against assisted dying has focused on the sanctity of life, and the need to protect vulnerable people from being pressured into giving up their lives due to the burden of being ...
Leicester Liberal Democrats have shared their tribute to former Mayor and Council Leader, Roger Blackmore, who died last ...
This Parliament is only in its infancy but for the second time a Lib Dem kicked off Prime Minister's Questions. Back in July it was Calum Miller. Today it was Winchester's own Danny Chambers, asking ...
After every General Election, it's become our habit to have a good look at what went well and what went badly and publish a ...
Within politics, there are lots of under-appreciated groups. People who work tirelessly to ensure that the roadshow goes on, so that those front and centre can walk, run and sprint to victory. Be it ...
Edinburgh West's Lib Dem MP Christine Jardine has long been an advocate for a change in the law to allow assisted dying in limited circumstances. Ahead of Labour MP Kim Leadbetter introducing a Privat ...
This is part of an individual contribution to the Government’s current Strategic Defence Review The current Strategic Defence Review has a thankless task: with existing international conflicts and ...