En Dinafem Seeds trabajamos con el afán de que todas nuestras semillas de marihuana sean únicas y satisfagan plenamente las expectativas de los cannabicultores más exigentes. El termino calidad queda ...
California Orange cannabis seeds by Dutch Passion belong to an old-school cannabis strain originated from a selection of legendary Californian genetics. California Orange cannabis seeds evolve into ...
Growing cannabis seeds outdoors is the most traditional and natural way to produce cannabis as the energy provided by the sun is used to our advantage. When cultivating in the open air, plants need to ...
Ruderalis Skunk cannabis seeds by Sensi Seeds belong to a regular cannabis strain that originates from the cross between a Skunk #1 and a selected Ruderalis. The result is an easy-to-grow ...
Les graines de cannabis féminisées sont apparues sur le marché cannabique en 1998. Leur apparition représentait à l’époque une véritable révolution car elles contenaient exclusivement des chromosomes ...
C4 Matic Auto desarrolla una planta de marihuana de fácil cultivo, de floración rápida y es una gran productora de resina. Su tamaño es discreto, y por eso es ideal para balcones o pequeños espacios ...
Passion #1 cannabis seeds by Dutch Passion belong to a feminized cannabis strain regarded as one of the best strains available now for growing outdoors. Created in California in the 70's, it soon ...
À partir de 2008, chez Dinafem Seeds, nous avons commencé à nous intéresser aux graines de cannabis autofloraison. À l'époque, ces graines n'étaient pas très demandées et connues sur le marché. Et, ...
Indigenous cannabis strains, known as "landraces", have evolved over centuries to adapt to human needs and to their geographical environment, forming the genetic foundation of many modern strains.
Dinafem Seeds arbeitet hart, um euch die hochwertigsten Samen anbieten zu können. Traut euch und teilt eure Erfahrungen mit uns! Eure Meinung ist uns sehr wichtig.
California Indica cannabis seeds by Sensi Seeds belong to a regular marijuana strain derived from the cross between an extraordinary Californian strain called Orange Bud and a selected Afghan. The ...
We are very sorry to inform you that, against our will, we are now unable to engage in any commercial activity. We are working round the clock to resume normal activity as soon as possible, but we ...