Birds eat insect pests, pollinate your plants and can help control weeds by eating the seeds. As more habitat is lost to urbanization, your yard can become a critical oasis for local and migratory ...
Growing up in rural Alabama, Kimberly Sinclair Holmes – the new statewide director of California 4-H – experienced firsthand ...
When you get your plant, don't disturb the roots. Cut out the bottom of the pot, put the pot in the planting hole—with sandy, ...
I have been working on a variety of projects related to Sudden Oak Death (SOD) primarily in the Big Sur area since the summer of 2000. Primary duties for the Rizzo Lab include coordinating and ...
Chandra Richards, University of California Cooperative Extension land equity academic coordinator for the Southern California ...
Fall rain kisses thirsty earth, Peace in each cool drop.
When is the best time of day to measure stem water potential? Midday, from about 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (daylight savings time) is the best time to measure stem water potential, because it corresponds to ...
Get excited for UC ANR Forest Stewardship's first Tree School event! Join our Forest Stewardship team, the UC ANR Fire Network, and collaborators from across the state for this special educational ...
Dr. Peter Ako Larbi is an Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Agricultural Application Engineering with the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR; 2018-present) ...
The Master Gardener Help Desk is happy to respond to your home gardening questions via email. Contact us at and be sure to include your zip code in the message. Images are also ...
As a commercial farmer or rancher, you shouldn't grow it (or raise it) if you can't sell it! This section includes information about direct marketing, growing for a specific marketing window, and ...
About Igor and his Cooperative Extension program: Igor Lacan is a University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor for the San Francisco Bay Area, specializing in urban forestry. My program of ...