In order to prepare young people for their future, oracy should be the fourth “R” of education – of equal status to reading, ...
Most education professionals recognise the value of learning outside the classroom (LOtC) in broadening the horizons of young people, raising self esteem and making learning more memorable. More and ...
The adoption of tablet technology in schools has not always come with positive news. As we move from the ‘innovators’ into the ‘early adopter’ phase of the technology adoption life-cycle, we are ...
Pupils have come a long way in their learning about climate change and what they can each do to save energy. For the last five years npower has been visiting schools across the country delivering ...
The ‘share of savings’ cost model from procurement consultants is designed to enable the buyer to pay no upfront costs but instead pay a percentage of the savings that are achieved. Crescent ...
Nathan Davis, water and leisure team leader at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, talks about the importance of safety management during school building work. School buildings need to ...
In March this year, Lord Alan Sugar officially opened The Bushey Academy, Hertfordshire’s most improved school and its striking new £30m state-of-the-art premises. Lord Sugar, principal Andrew ...
Many people are oblivious to who is in charge of the finances in their schools. Even more people are unaware of the importance of finance committees. Kerry Ace, finance and policy manager at the ...
For any organisation, including academies, risk can be defined as the uncertainty that an event or an action will adversely affect their ability to achieve their objectives and to execute successfully ...
Neil Watkins, managing director of IT procurement framework, Think IT, looks at what the biggest IT successes and concerns were for schools in 2016 Last year, we have witnessed a number of significant ...
The government’s Healthy Pupil Capital Fund includes money for school playgrounds, as it is recognised that active play can help tackle obesity and inactivity in children and young people Playgrounds, ...
False fire alarms can play havoc with a school day, as well as place huge strain on the fire services. But there are ways to reduce the number of incidents, advises the Fire Industry Association.