Seventy percent of all businesses are family businesses in the United States, but only two thirds survive past the first generation. Why? There’s a myth surrounding family businesses that sets them up ...
It’s worth noting in today’s deafening marketplace that the best brands have CEOs who know and leverage the role of branding. When embarking on a rebrand, this skill becomes even more crucial.
As business leaders and examples to their board and teams, CEOs need to be the most effective people in the business. Whatever the size of the company, a casual or slow leader will fail to gain ...
It’s hard to imagine getting through the workday without a smartphone, which is remarkable when you consider the technology is only a decade old. As soon as smartphones hit the market, users instantly ...
As a business executive, you will inevitably encounter a significant change in your organization. These changes can be a structural reorganization, buy-out, crisis, or a social shift such as diversity ...
Over the next decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation will continue at breakneck speeds. Computer performance, robotics, software development efficiency, and the resulting systems will lead ...
Every human being longs to belong. We all want to feel loved, accepted, and validated. We want to feel that our lives matter and that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to make a ...
Have you noticed how some people who are highly successful in their roles somehow fail miserably when they take a similar position in a new environment? Have you wondered why this happens? I’ve ...
The phrase “here there be dragons” is an aphorism that has come to define general fears of the unknown, based on an ancient cartographer’s annotation to maps reflecting the earliest explorations of ...
The IPO market has been struggling in 2016, due in part to ongoing volatility in the equity markets, as well as the perception of another venture capital bubble. As a result, many startups have ...
I believe that everyone has a super power. Mine is selling beverages. Over the last 20 years in the beverage industry, I have held every position from box cutter and shelf stocker to corporate ...
Social media has become the go-to place for companies who want to make a connection with their customers. It’s where we engage with them, entertain them, hold contests, and basically make them fall in ...