智通财经APP获悉,明尼阿波利斯联储主席卡什卡利(Neel Kashkari)表示,尽管美国政府缺乏提高银行资本金要求的意愿,但私人信贷市场的崛起可能会降低美国金融体系的系统性风险。
Gift Nifty was trading around 25,245 level, a premium of nearly 10 points from the Nifty futures’ previous close, indicating ...
The rise of the private credit market may lead to less systemic risk in the US financial system despite a lack of political ...
周一晚些时候,美联储(Fed)明尼阿波利斯银行行长尼尔-卡什卡利(Neel Kashkari)发表讲话,安抚了市场,重申了美联储政策依赖数据的立场,并重申了美联储政策制定者关于美国经济健康状况的惯常,包括通胀压力持续缓解以及劳动力市场依然健康,尽管总体失业率近期有所上升。
新华财经北京10月15日电(吴郑思)受美元指数走强打压,10月14日,国际市场贵金属价格震荡回落。 截至当天收盘时,纽约商品交易所黄金期货市场交投最活跃的12月黄金期价报收于每盎司2665.8美元,较前一交易日下跌8.4美元,跌幅0.31%。 近期公布的部分指标显示美国经济仍具韧性,这使得美联储官员对于进一步降息的表态趋于谨慎。在此背景下,美元延续近几周的涨势,14日盘中更是触及10周高点,进而给 ...
With the benefit of hindsight, the 50-basis-point cut in September was a mistake, though not one of great consequence,” said ...
MINNEAPOLIS Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari said on Monday he does not consider China to be an economic threat ...
Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari said it appears likely that “further modest reductions” in the central ...
Progress made on inflation, labor market remains strong. Increasing joblessness not worth the cost. Not worth it to have unemployment rate increase.
Kashkari said that the current stance of monetary policy remains restrictive of growth, although by how much is unclear.
The Mexican Peso depreciated against the Greenback during the beginning of the week and edged down over 0.51%.