Based on Eiichiro Oda's best-selling manga series, One Piece is full of epic battles and a highly entertaining and eclectic ensemble of characters known as the Straw Hat Pirates. With over 1,000 ...
The enchantress is a mysterious, mystical female character who owns her sexuality and creativity. She may be a mostly good-natured healer or even a witch, like the Owens sisters from “Practical ...
This is far from a comprehensive list, as there are literally dozens and dozens of great characters. Instead, we've narrowed it down to just some of our favorites and one of their hilarious lines.
As One Piece celebrates its 25th birthday, fans have been hit by huge news – that the series will be taking a six-month hiatus. It's a big deal for a show that airs continuously and, although ...
One Piece's Monkey D. Luffy has fought a lot of tough contenders, but as the anime reaches its endgame, some characters rank ...
and their female counterparts named after weekdays and holidays, such as Miss Valentine and Miss Wednesday. Baroque Works was mentioned in season one of One Piece when Zoro killed Mr 7 ...
Prince Loki will play an important role in the Elbaf Arc as One Piece Chapter 1130 finally reveals his design, but there’s one subtle similarity with another character. One Piece introduced ...
Here's how each of the stories is described in the original novel: Nami: “A young shut-in from Sabaody with an obsession for female pirates falls ... Toyoda (My Happy Marriage) and character designs ...