One of the most popular and beloved anime characters, Roronoa Zoro is widely considered to be the closest thing One Piece has to a deuteragonist. The series mainly revolves around Luffy. However ...
Anime characters like Nami from the series One Piece are very intelligent and resourceful and play a specific role in their respective teams. Even though these anime characters may not always rely ...
As if it was the author’s revenge, the sandman and tyrant of Arabasta has continued to cross the path of the Straw Hats, becoming a recurring supporting character in One Piece. It is possible ...
One Piece is now in the works on Season 2 of its ... There are going to be many more characters, stories, and massive arcs to work through in the Alabasta saga. Even if the live-action series ...
Pieces of paper showing the names of “One Piece” characters, such as Nami and Zoro, were hanging from the puppets’ necks. Specialized dolls that resemble the manga’s characters will be ...