Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach was among the city's seven beaches closed due to pollution from tar balls that were washed ashore.
“麦当劳中国以‘绿色增长引擎’驱动业务高速发展。2018年起,麦当劳中国以LEED标准设计和建造新的餐厅,目前我们的6500家餐厅中,有超过3300家为获得LEED认证的绿色餐厅。”麦当劳中国首席执行官张家茵表示,“麦当劳深圳梅沙万科餐厅,是我们绿色 ...
如果一个人每周使用ChatGPT写一封这样的电子邮件,那么一年将消耗27 升水。《华盛顿邮报》写道,这意味着如果每 10 个美国人中仅一人(总数达到1600 万人)使用 ChatGPT 每周写一封邮件,那么耗水量将超过 4.35 亿升。
全球领先的合同研究、开发和生产(CRDMO)服务公司药明生物(WuXi Biologics, 2269.HK)今日宣布,公司荣获《财资》2024年度ESG(环境、社会和治理)企业大奖铂金奖。连续第四年获此殊荣,不仅体现了药明生物对可持续发展的坚定承诺 ...
Public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people who use it. To what extent do you ...
10月15日,深圳麦当劳梅沙万科餐厅开业。 这家麦当劳餐厅开业,有啥不一样?据悉,这家餐厅按照国际权威绿色建筑认证LEED(Leadership in Energy & Environmental ...
A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...
On October 14-15, State Grid Anyang Power Supply Company in Henan carried out accessory installation work on towers 5, 6, and 7 of the 220 kV Wenfeng-Juyuan line in Anyang. As shown in the pictures, ...
A feast of folk customs experiences and intangible cultural heritage displays with a mixture of China's Double Ninth Festival ...
NANJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- The world's most powerful floating offshore wind turbine, with a generating capacity of 20 megawatts, has rolled off the production line in Yancheng city, east China's Jia ...
别再喂景区的锦鲤了,它们真的可能会死,锦鲤,池塘,鲤鱼,鱼苗,鱼食,藻类,投喂,过量,疾病,脂肪肝, ...