There is a risk the Federal Reserve has to raise interest rates next year given the inflationary policy platforms of both US ...
Some investors, sensing a potential shift in momentum, are getting behind trades that could pay out if Donald Trump beats ...
Must read — Rachael Bade and Jasper Goodman report that Howard Lutnick, the Wall Street CEO leading Trump’s transition operation, is in hot water with Trump insiders who say that he is improperly ...
RBC Global Asset Management Inc. ("RBC GAM Inc.") today announced September mutual fund net sales of $980 million. Long-term ...
财联社10月23日讯(编辑 史正丞)周三盘前,伴随着密集出炉的各行业财报,美股三大期指延续弱势整理的状态。全球投资者现在已经把注意力转向晚些时候出炉的特斯拉财报。 截至发稿,道琼斯指数期货(2412合约)跌0.52%,标普500指数期货跌0.23%,纳斯达克100指数期货跌0.28%。近期动静颇大的美国十年期国债收益率,在周二上破4.20%后,目前仍在进一步走高。 (美国十年期国债收益率,来源:T ...
RBC BlueBay Impact Bond Fund earns a High Process Pillar rating. The most important driver of the rating is its parent firm's superior long-term risk-adjusted performance, as shown by the firm's ...
RBC BlueBay Asset Management的首席投资官Mark Dowding表示,鉴于两位美国总统候选人的政策计划都会推 高通 胀,存在美联储明年可能不得不加息的风险。
智通财经APP获悉,加拿大皇家银行旗下全球顶级资管机构——BlueBay资产管理公司——的首席投资官Mark Dowding表示,鉴于两位美国总统候选人的通胀政策纲领,美联储明年有可能不得不加息。 Mark ...
RBC BlueBay Access Cpt Community Invm Fd earns an Above Average Process Pillar rating. The main driver of the rating is its parent firm's superior long-term risk-adjusted performance, as shown by ...
儘管多数民调显示川普与贺锦丽声势相当,战况激烈,但近几周选情发生变化,进而影响市场走向,带动共和党胜选受惠的资产价格上涨。举例而言,民营监狱营运商GEO Group股价在10月累计暴升21%,有望写下2022年以来最大单月涨幅;比特币矿商Riot Platforms股价也劲扬34%。
the chief investment officer at RBC BlueBay Asset Management. Dowding is betting on that by positioning for US breakeven rates — a proxy of inflation expectations — to widen further.
The punishing post-COVID wave of sovereign defaults has finally crested, with the likes of Ghana, Sri Lanka and Zambia ...