Gotham By Gaslight is one of Bruce Wayne's best animated adventures yet. Set against the backdrop of 19th century Gotham and Jack the Ripper, the movie sees everyone from Catwoman to Two-Face to Hugo ...
The year is 1893, and Gotham City has flourished under the eye of the Batman. But despite the gaudy new light bulbs and the gaudier nouveau riche, the shadows are also growing deadlier new threats.
There are other hidden forces at work, which Batman has yet to discover. Most disquieting of all for him, is the possibility that events in the Gotham Cathedral were not as they seemed — and ...
Reeves has previously mentioned two other spinoffs from The Batman, one centered around the Gotham City Police Department and the other around Arkham Asylum. Although no other shows are currently ...
The Penguin’s Oswald Cobb, who first appeared in The Batman, is not a hero. He’s an opportunistic murderer building a criminal empire by flooding Gotham’s streets with a highly addictive drug.