联合国教科文组织将于2月11日发布最新版《联合国教科文组织科学报告》中关于科学届性别问题的章节,该章题为《聪明的数字革命需要包容》,此举意在庆祝“妇女和女童参与科学国际日”。该章节显示,虽然我们在推动第四次工业革命的大多数技术领域仍 ...
可持续发展教育(ESD)是教科文组织教育部门应对地球面临的紧迫和严峻挑战的举措。人类的集体活动已经改变了地球的生态系统,由于这种改变越来越难以逆转,我们的生存似乎处于危险之中。要想在全球变暖达到灾难性程度之前予以遏制,就必须全面解决 ...
教科文组织东亚地区办事处牢固立足于 2030 年议程,并根据可持续发展目标 17 "振兴全球伙伴关系,促进可持续发展",长期致力于促进多方利益攸关方伙伴关系。我们高度重视合作伙伴之间的合作,通过教育、文化、科学、信息和传播,助力建设和平,确保公平 ...
继2025年里约热内卢之后,我荣幸地宣布拉巴特为2026年‘世界图书之都’。作为文化交汇之城,书籍在此传递知识与多样化艺术形式,当地不断发展的图书产业也在推动教育进步方面发挥着关键作用。这些行动与教科文组织的使命相呼应。 奥德蕾·阿祖莱联合国 ...
Mohammad Al Tanani was a photojournalist and camera operator working for Al Aqsa TV. He was reporting with a TV crew on military operations in the Jabalia refugee camp when the cr ...
Hassan Hamad was a 19-year-old freelance journalist working with the media outlet Media Town. He had been reporting on a military incursion when he was reportedly hit by a drone strike.
The laureates were selected by the UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, based on the recommendations of an international jury. Each winning project will receive a grant of US$ 50,000 to further ...
UNESCO has prioritized engaging youth to help document and learn about their living heritage to help transmit these practices to a new generation. Focused capacity-building programmes have helped ...
In a fragmented world facing immense challenges, we need political leaders who are committed to building lasting peace. I am delighted that the jury has chosen António Luís Santos da Costa, who has ...
The municipality of Cuajinicuilapa, in Guerrero, is home to the first museum dedicated to Afro-descendants and to break the silence about the history of slavery in Mexico: the Museum of Afro-mestizo ...
The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Mr. Joseph Mugwang’a, Principal of KMTC Nairobi, and Dr. Kelly Oluoch, Chief Executive Officer of KMTC. UNESCO was represented by Mr. Lamine Sow ...