JoLida has been in business as a manufacturer and supplier of various electronic parts since 1983. In 1995, they had designed and built a large transformer to a customer's specification that was ...
25 years ago valve amps were a tiny backwater even in high-end hi-fi, an obsession followed by a few collectors (frequently in the Far East) and the odd tiny specialist manufacturer. Within this niche ...
Certainly, Linn needs no introduction. Besides the world renowned LP12, a top of the line turntable for more than a decade, its product range is significantly extended towards all other fields in High ...
Where do I start with the Dyn's? I guess my local dealer is as good a place to begin as any. Here in St Louis, we have a shop called Music for Pleasure. The word "shop" doesn't really do this place ...
A Tapered Quarter Wave Pipe (or sometimes Tube - hence TQWT). Back in the '30's that pioneer of hi-fi Mr P.Voigt designed the Voigt Pipe. The idea was that putting a drive unit half way down a pipe ...
La costruzione dei diffusori: scelta del materiale La costruzione dei diffusori: il mobile Riparare gli casa! - Parte I Riparare gli casa! - Parte II Guida al ...
Regular readers will be aware that last year I did a group test of 300B valves using my Audionote Quest Silver monoblock amps to carry them. The group comprised valves from Audion, Audionote, ...
The TP106 VR+ amplifier was a modern take on an old idea, the ultralinear configured push-pull tetrode integrated amplifier; the Canor CD2 VR+ Precision Tube CD Player is almost the reverse. This CD ...
Eric Alexander is a prolific designer and builder of loudspeakers for more than 25 years. Today he is the President, founder and CEO of Tekton Designs LLC (accident Greek for a craftsman). Tekton, ...
Astin Trew is a relatively new English audio brand run by Michael Osborn. He started the company less than 3 years ago and in that time managed to produce a preamp, a power amp, an integrated amp and ...
During my neverending search for the ultimate tweak I've discovered the Noise Killer, a damping compound made by Rockford Fosgate, an US Company well known for making hi-end amplifiers and speakers ...
La GRAAF è una piccola azienda sorta in quel di Modena, avete presente Ferrari, Lamborghini etc.?, che dopo aver lanciato sul mercato due finali allo *stato dell'arte* in configurazione OTL, senza ...