China stands ready to strengthen alignment of development strategies with Vietnam, carrying out the plan of synergizing the Belt and Road Initiative with Vietnam's Two Corridors and One Economic ...
NASA is set to launch a         spacecraft to Jupiter's moon Europa, considered one of our solar         system's most promising spots to search for life beyond Earth,         to learn whether this ...
Israeli strikes killed 22 people and injured more than 100 in central Beirut on Thursday, Lebanese authorities said, as a senior Hezbollah official evaded an Israeli assassination attempt in the city, ...
Florida's sun and low taxes enticed         many hedge funds and other financial professionals to move         south. Now another massive hurricane is putting that love affair         to the test, but ...
Ratan Tata, the former Tata Group chairman who put a staid and sprawling Indian conglomerate on the global stage with a strin ...
President Joe         Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled on Wednesday to         South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia to assess the         devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene ...
U.S. prosecutors said         Donald Trump was acting outside the scope of his duties as         president when he pressured state officials and then-Vice         President Mike Pence to try to ...
台灣的防衛部門批評解放軍的行徑"不理性和挑釁", 表達強烈譴責, 又說已經依據規定, 派適切兵力應對; 強調面對敵情威脅, 將嚴陣以待, 秉持"備戰不求戰、 應戰不避戰"的堅強意志, 持續增強嚇阻戰力, 構建足夠的軍事力量及防衛韌性, 確保台灣的安全.                  台灣的海巡署就批評, 解放軍和海警的行動, 已嚴重衝擊台海和平及地區穩定, 意圖改變台海現狀, 海巡署已協同防衛 ...
解放軍東部戰區, 今日在台灣周邊演習, 以震懾台獨分裂勢力, 說是捍衛國家主權, 維護國家統一的正當及必要行動.         發言人說, 東部戰區組織戰區陸軍、 海軍、 空軍及火箭軍等兵力, 於台灣海峽、 台島北部、 台島南部、 台島以東, 展開名為"聯合利劍-2024B"的演習, 重點演練海空戰備警巡、 要港要域封控、 對海對陸打擊及奪取綜合制權等項目, 檢驗戰區部隊聯合作戰實戰能力.
重陽節長周末新盤熱賣, 中原地產亞太區副主席兼住宅部總裁陳永傑在本台節目表示, 新盤三天假期售出近400伙, 本月至今已經錄得1300多宗一手成交, 預料本月一手成交可達2500至2800宗.         他認為, 發展商定價仍不算進取, 只是一些高層或有景觀優勢的單位加價百分之2至3, 反映發展商希望爭取減息後黃金機會提高業績. 目前新盤戰場在啟德, 區內新盤及貨尾約9000伙, 將軍澳日出 ...
新加坡金管局在今年最後一次例行政策評估中, 維持貨幣政策不變, 符合市場預期.         局方將維持坡元名義有效匯率政策區間現行升值速度, 政策區間的寬度和中心維持不變.         分析師原本普遍預期新加坡金管局會維持貨幣政策穩定.
建造業總工會表示, 收到科技大學學生宿舍興建項目地盤的通知, 指有十多間分判商被大判拖欠8至9月工人薪金、 工程款項, 總工會已派員到地盤了解情況, 牽涉人數約60人, 涉及金額約200萬.         † ...