Optical art works at first glance seem cold, rational, distant. Yet warmth and vital drive can also lie behind these works. The case of artist Marina Apollonio. But that is not all. Op art techniques ...
The Uffizi Gallery opens three new rooms on the second floor, featuring 25 works by early 16th-century Florentine masters. An itinerary that exalts the modern manner of the Renaissance, with ...
Two new exhibitions at the Leopold Museum in Vienna, one dedicated to Rudolf Wacker, among the leading exponents of the New Objectivity in Austria, and the other devoted to the company Joh. Backhausen ...
Culture Minister Alessandro Giuli has appointed his chief of staff: he is lawyer Francesco Spano, former secretary general of MAXXI. Here's who he is (and why there was a controversy by a pro-life ...
Misinformation, easy to find in some early twentieth-century articles, reports that a masterpiece by Parmigianino, the portrait of Galeazzo Sanvitale that today can be admired at the Museo Nazionale ...
The National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art of Basilicata reopens Oct. 15 with new exhibition rooms dedicated to Carlo Levi and Luigi Guerricchio, innovative multimedia systems and completely ...
On the occasion of the 20th Day of the Contemporary, on Oct. 12, 2024, the Museo Novecento in Florence will open to the public the new tactile and multi-sensory pathway that is the result of a ...
Romagnola artist Chiara Lecca focuses her research on the relationship between man and nature to bring out the rupture operated by contemporary society. The animal element is for her matter for a ...
The Fortress of Fontanellato conceals within its walls a story of pain, death and rebirth. Like the one told by the frescoes of Parmigianino, who decorated a room in the castle in the early 16th ...
The competition for archivists launched in 2022 by the Ministry of Culture has effectively stalled: the candidates, who competed for 268 positions, one year after the oral tests still do not know ...
The exhibition on view from Oct. 12 to Jan. 12, 2025 at Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome presents a visual journey through the history of Italian cinema through 100 photographs celebrating Marcello ...
From Oct. 4 to Oct. 31, 2024, Artcurial's Milan office will host the exhibition "In brodo di giuggiole," curated by Luca Zuccala, featuring works by four young international artists who reflect on ...