Participants emphasized that scientific research is fundamental to addressing global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and inequality. Research lays the groundwork for innovative ...
Algo está muito errado num mundo em que a fome e a subnutrição são uma realidade da vida de milhares de milhões de crianças, mulheres e homens. No Dia Mundial da Alimentação, lembramo-nos das 733 milh ...
G7 Agricoltura: nel 2025 la FAO ospiterà la Conferenza Internazionale sulle Prospettive Globali sulle Indicazioni Geografiche La conferenza riunirà esperti e decisori politici per discutere ...
A tennis ball is known and iconic for two features: the yellow colour and the white stripe. Mathilde Wittock eliminated both by hand cutting them at the white line and dying them in beautiful colors.
Die Schweizer UN-Botschafterin Baeriswyl sagte als amtierende Präsidentin im Namen aller 15 Mitglieder, die Beteiligten seien aufgerufen, die Sicherheit des Personals und der Einrichtungen von UNIFIL ...
To lovforslag som er til behandling i det israelske parlamentet, truer med å stanse UNRWA, FNs hjelpeorganisasjon for palestinske flyktninger, i det livsviktige arbeidet ...
Alcohol is linked to over 200 diseases, among them at least seven types of cancer, including breast and colon cancers.
Nach dem Beschuss von Friedenssicherungskräften der Vereinten Nationen im Libanon mahnt UN-Generalsekretär Guterres Israel zur Zurückhaltung. Das Personal und die Posten der im Libanon stationierten U ...
Libano/UNIFIL - Dichiarazione congiunta della coordinatrice speciale ONU Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert e del capo della missione UNIFIL e comandante della forza Ten. Gen. Aroldo Lázaro 14 ...
"Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti". L'iconica frase di apertura della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani è importante oggi ...
From week six, mothers often note they begin to feel more optimistic about the future. Photo: Den Kreative Skole In Denmark, the power of music is changing lives. Since its launch in 2021, the Music ...
Although significant advances in medical treatments have improved survival rates, the impact of a diagnosis extends beyond physical symptoms ...