虽然马来西亚的投资环境对本地投资者依然具有很大吸引力,但在马来西亚证券交易所上市的公司往往面临全球影响力有限的挑战。原因主要在于马来西亚的国内市场较小,经济规模和人口数量有限,导致这些公司在全球范围内的扩展能力受限,市场覆盖面相对狭窄 为了更好地说明这一点,我们来看一下马来西亚最大的银行,也是市值最高的公司——Maybank。Maybank 大约 90% 的净营业收入都来自马来西亚境内的业务,手机 ...
马来西亚令吉(MYR)在2024年经历了相当明显的反弹。目前,美元兑令吉的汇率为4.12,这对于令吉来说是一个罕见的水平,因为它一贯对美元呈贬值趋势。近期的强势并非源于单一因素,而是多种国内外发展共同推动的结果。本文将探讨令吉表现背后的潜在驱动因素, ...
If you want to get invested or add to your position but are crying since you missed out on the last correction since the ...
How much do popular finfluencers like Kelvin Learns Investing and Josh Tan (Astute Parent) earn?! I ask them plus Sean Foo, Xuan Kai, SG Budget Babe, Chris HoneyMoney, and Arigato Investor! ...
In this week’s episode, we explore a uniquely designed home, referred to as the “Jedi Temple,” that embodies a serene atmosphere and captures the play of light. ...
What makes a flat Plus, and what makes it Prime? I’m convinced this is the next (mostly) unresolvable argument we’ll see in the coming decades; on par with the age-old “freehold versus leasehold” ...
It’s hard not to notice that things have gotten more expensive in Singapore. Just this week, a friend offered up a pair of Jay Chou concert tickets in our WhatsApp group. The price? Almost S$800 for a ...
There has been a lot of inevitable interest in Norwood Grand, and despite all the talk about prices in Woodlands hitting ...
An index of Singapore REITs fell in the past week, as government bond yields moved higher on strong US economic data.
Staying with central banks, the Bank of Indonesia is expected to cut interest rates again following last month’s surprise quarter-point reduction. In September, BI said its decision was consistent ...
There have been a lot of Chinese people going to Malaysia and buying properties there. Why have they come? what does this mean for the JB Retirement dream? Find out with Mr Loo in today's video! 1M65 ...