Dr. Whealey is author of Hitler and Spain: The Nazi Role in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1989). Most historians do not know that the ...
Mr. Stern was historian at the JFK Library from 1977 to 1999 and is the author of Averting ‘the Final Failure’: John F. Kennedy and the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings (2003) and The Week ...
Mr. Giangreco is the author of War in Korea: 1950-1953. He and Kathryn Moore are co-authors of Dear Harry . . . Truman’s Mailroom, 1945-1953: The Truman Administration through Correspondence ...
David Waldstreicher is Professor of History at Temple University. His latest book is Slavery's Constitution: From Revolution to Ratification (Hill and Wang, 2009). This article originally appeared ...
Two vice presidents resigned: John C. Calhoun (served under Andrew Jackson) and Spiro Agnew (served under Richard Nixon). The vice presidency has been vacant due to resignation or death a total of ...
Mr. Nevin is a doctoral candidate in American history at the University of Virginia and is writing his dissertation on the Nixon presidency and the politics of public opinion polling. He is also a ...
Ms. Pascoe is Associate Professor and Beekman Chair of Northwest and Pacific History at the University of Oregon. She is completing a book on the significance of miscegenation law in United States ...
Mr. Greenberg is the author of Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image (2003). He teaches history at Rutgers University. This month marks the publication of 1776, David McCullough's rousing, feel ...
Mr. Furnish, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor, History, Georgia Perimeter College; Ph.D., Islamic History; M.A., Church History. My expectations upon entering the ...
Mr. Poneman is a Senior Fellow at The Forum for International Policy. He served on the National Security Council Staff for Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Note: This article was ...
Mr. Frakes has taught in the History Dept. at Clarion University since 1991. He is the author of Contra Potentium Iniurias: The Defensor Civitatis and Late Roman Justice (2001) and Writing for ...
Laura Mogulescu is Curator of Women's History Collections for the Center for Women's History at the New-York Historical Society. The N-YHS's exhibition "Title IX: Activism On and Off the Field ...