According to Greek mythology, Aeolus lived on the island Aeolia, identified today with Lipari or Stromboli, north of Sicily. He kept the winds in a cave and released them to help or impede nautical ...
Two staff members from our Division of Academic and Public Programs discuss how the museums foster museum literacy and a ...
The painting of a man wearing a tuxedo standing in front of a light gray wall. The left arm is bent at waist level, the hand holds a small white object between the fingers. The right arm is bent in a ...
This black ink drawing shows a woman, visible from the shoulders up, with black hair wearing a white tunic. She holds up her left hand as two small imp-like creatures with black claws and waist bands ...
In this black ink drawing, a man with long, wavy hair and winged feet gracefully steps to his right to whisper into the ear of a young nude woman standing beside him. He wears a flowing, ...
Between 1899 and 1901, Monet visited London three times, for a total of more than seven months. He rented the same room on the sixth floor of the Savoy Hotel on the Victoria Embankment and painted the ...
The painting is constructed of loose, suggestive brushstrokes. Depicted from above, a small cottage is in the foreground to the right atop a grassy bluff overlooking the ocean. The pitched roof of the ...
This wide, bowl like cup has a smooth, almost black finish and incised lines and decorative motifs. Handles at either side extend upward from the rim in an elegant loop that rejoins at the base of the ...
The phrase, “DOUBLE SHEET” is repeatedly stamped in black ink across a page from a yellowed newspaper. This stamped phrase frequently overlaps slightly, giving the appearance of five distinct columns ...
Against a medium dark brown background, monochrome tan brushstrokes depict a nude adolescent male crouching on the ground. Leaning forward on his arms, he looks ahead to the left and away from the ...
A woman is depicted from just below her neck to her forehead. The area above her eyes ends in rounded uneven edges which seem to be worn or broken away. Her neck is long and slender and her face is ...