I did my secretarial O Grade on a manual typewriter. Now, in post-menopausal middle-age, faced with the prospect of climate ...
Charlie Ellis explores another aspect of Edinburgh’s cultural crisis. At 94, it’s unsurprising that Richard Demarco’s ...
The Head of the IPCC has just said the Paris Agreement target of 1.5C is blown, 2C is dead without a miracle, and the world ...
Today is a day for practical action, here are several charities and funds you can donate to directly to make a difference: ...
This film is about how major Western news organisations have provided cover for Israel’s war on Gaza. Based on interviews ...
The closure of the People’s Story museum in Edinburgh is only the latest in a long process of marginalisation and erasure of ...
Art, Punishment and Innovation edited by Kirstin Anderson. Waterside Press, published 1st October. £25. A new book explores ...
Al Jazeera today publishes evidence of potential war crimes committed by Israeli forces based on material from their own ...
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Stephen Noon and Kezia Dugdale have, with the Centre for Public Policy at the University of Glasgow, just published a major ...
There’s been 50 years of CCS development and it’s a proven failure, So what is Labour doing, and where did they find the money? There’s a neat symmetry to the Tory financial £22b ‘black hole’ that ...
A previously unpublished Norman MacCaig poem for National Poetry Day. For the full background read Kevin Williamson from the ...