JoLida has been in business as a manufacturer and supplier of various electronic parts since 1983. In 1995, they had designed and built a large transformer to a customer's specification that was ...
I sistemi Audiophile "all-in-one" (con tutti i componenti ospitati nello stesso chassis, n.d.t.) di questi tempi sono piuttosto popolari. Tutto ebbe inizio con il Linn Klassik, ma sono diventati ...
25 years ago valve amps were a tiny backwater even in high-end hi-fi, an obsession followed by a few collectors (frequently in the Far East) and the odd tiny specialist manufacturer. Within this niche ...
Certainly, Linn needs no introduction. Besides the world renowned LP12, a top of the line turntable for more than a decade, its product range is significantly extended towards all other fields in High ...
Where do I start with the Dyn's? I guess my local dealer is as good a place to begin as any. Here in St Louis, we have a shop called Music for Pleasure. The word "shop" doesn't really do this place ...
La costruzione dei diffusori: scelta del materiale La costruzione dei diffusori: il mobile Riparare gli casa! - Parte I Riparare gli casa! - Parte II Guida al ...
The TP106 VR+ amplifier was a modern take on an old idea, the ultralinear configured push-pull tetrode integrated amplifier; the Canor CD2 VR+ Precision Tube CD Player is almost the reverse. This CD ...
Regular readers will be aware that last year I did a group test of 300B valves using my Audionote Quest Silver monoblock amps to carry them. The group comprised valves from Audion, Audionote, ...
A Tapered Quarter Wave Pipe (or sometimes Tube - hence TQWT). Back in the '30's that pioneer of hi-fi Mr P.Voigt designed the Voigt Pipe. The idea was that putting a drive unit half way down a pipe ...
Astin Trew is a relatively new English audio brand run by Michael Osborn. He started the company less than 3 years ago and in that time managed to produce a preamp, a power amp, an integrated amp and ...
Meridian is one of those companies that seem to go their own way in audio land, not following others but choosing their own destiny. Meridian has done more than most to shape the way hifi is at the ...
La prima cosa che bisogna chiarire è che non si può collegare il giradischi ad un qualunque ingresso "linea" (tipo CD, AUX, TAPE etc.). La ragione è molto semplice: il segnale in uscita dal giradischi ...