Following minister's speech announcing implementation plans for deregulation of new GMOs, Prof Michael Antoniou and GMWatch ...
New rat feeding study is further proof that GM soy isn’t substantially equivalent to non-GM soy. Report: Claire Robinson ...
Progress in detection and traceability will enable exclusion of new GMOs from Non-GMO value chains – Non-GMO industry ...
The EPO and the industry are destroying the basis of European plant breeding by granting these kinds of patents. Access to conventionally bred plant varieties has never been so severely restricted by ...
GMWatch provides the public with the latest news and comment on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops and their associated pesticides. GMWatch is also supported by the work of dedicated ...
The European Patent Office (EPO) today rejected an opposition against a patent held by the company, KWS, on cold-tolerant maize (EP 3380618). The international coalition of No Patents on Seeds! filed ...
No one knows if GM HB4 wheat is safe to eat but USDA says it’s OK to grow and in Argentina they’re already eating it Below we offer our edit of a Deepl translation of an article in Spanish by the ...
How a chemical and pharmaceutical giant with an appalling record of corporate crimes became a key player in the development, commercialization and sale of GM crops Bayer AG is a chemical and ...