Nobody wants to think of their pet dying. If your old pup is curled on the sofa next to you or your beloved cat is making ...
Discover how the deep bonds we share with pets mirror human relationships, and explore the unique grief we experience when losing a beloved animal companion.
Madison hated being the only dog after losing her brother Bentley in August, which led her owner to find a source of healing—a rescue puppy.
While some people are taken aback by how sad and stricken they are when their pet dies, that sadness is a completely normal occurrence. Grief is "what we feel inside, our natural reaction, in response ...
For many people, pets are family and have become part of the fabric of everyday life – reliable sources of comfort, joy, and ...
The past couple of days have felt like a waking nightmare for many of us. Sure, any presidential election is bound to bring ...
PeeWee, a 12-year-old deaf dog who had been part of Nikki's family for over a decade, died in February. He had always favored ...
Hal Kitchings, pastor of Easthaven Baptist Church in Brookhaven, has written a book to encourage people who have lost a pet ...
Local funeral home director Rob Loose’s column runs the first Saturday of each month. Contact him at
If there’s a silver lining to any of this, it’s that she had a grief support group to pour out her heartache to those who ...
Saying goodbye to our beloved animals can be hard for many reasons Pet loss is still less acceptable socially. This is called disenfranchised grief, which refers to losses that society ...