In an age dominated by texts, calls and social media, staying in touch with distant friends is easier than ever. Yet some ...
This article explores how letters were a vital means of communication, enhanced by the development of postal services like ...
Several candidates who appeared for the examination, in various centres in the city noted that the question paper was set at ...
The King of England for 38 years, Henry VIII wrote his lover, Anne Boleyn, a collection of secret, romantic letters for her.
Letter-writing has changed over the decades since we started sending emails and other social media messages, but how do you go about writing a professional letter nowadays?
This rather rambling letter from Mabel to Alec expresses just how angry she was with a newspaper article that questioned Alec ...
“This should be a very easy letter to write—words should come easily and in short it should be simple for me to tell you how desperately happy I was to open the paper and see the announcement ...
The hidden intimacy of writing a letter to someone has been lost as technology has developed over time, Mollie Needham writes ...
The headline in the Oct. 10 issue caught attention, as did the story on the wish list of projects to send to the city ( ...
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but for this election cycle, don’t give us any more candidate or proposition letters—or do, but do it with the ...
But during campaign time, diplomacy may be forgotten in the gush of polarizing rhetoric and name-calling culture that seems to be coming at us from every direction. On our phones. In our mailboxes.
I thought David M. Haynes was writing my case in his letter about delivery problems of the TC. In the month of October, I ...