Hires Root Beer, for example, was invented by a pharmacist ... molasses give root beer a creamy mouthfeel, not unlike cream soda, while spices like cinnamon, cloves, and ginger imbue a subtle ...
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the 1800s, the roots were used for a syrup designed to be mixed with plain soda instead, which became how "root beer" was marketed. Does cream soda come into ...
[Paul] is sick and tired of his homemade root beer being flat. He analyzed the problem with his carbonation techniques and ended up with a method of force carbonating beverages using dry ice.
"With a reputation for delivering exceptional flavors since 1996, Mary Jones' Root Beer is infused with cannabis while maintaining the same 'best damn cane sugar soda' standards the company is ...
It’s never been easier to pick up new skills to boost your independence and keep more money in your wallet while you’re at it. Let Mother Earth News show you how with hundreds of online ...