今年艾瑞瑞也与《男生男生配》的NIO携手同台合唱,2人演唱中更有许多对视搭肩等甜蜜互动,曲毕2人相拥的瞬间,台下的观眾立刻全场尖叫欢呼。艾瑞瑞表示他跟NIO在节目中相识时,彼此经歷了从友谊、好感到各种关系的变化,直到现在双方都还维持很好的友情仍时常联 ...
Nio reported a relatively strong performance for September, with deliveries rising 35% year-over-year to 21,181 units.
近日,天眼查App显示,蔚来移动科技有限公司发生工商变更,经营范围新增移动终端设备制造(分支机构经营)业务。一时之间,蔚来造手机、车手互联等“行话”再次成为热议的焦点。车手互联,顾名思义就是新能源汽车车机与手机应用场景的互相联通,早在2022年,蔚来 ...
After a swift rise in the EV industry over the years, we saw a slowdown in its progress, especially in Europe and the USA.
NIO remains unprofitable, burning cash, and facing rising geopolitical risks, making it hard to achieve a turnaround without ...
Nio just declared record deliveries throughout Q3 and the newly launched L60 ONVO, the first family focused vehicle from Nio, ...
在近期股市交易中,蔚来汽车 (NIO.US)的股价大幅上涨超过3%,这一趋势的背后是9月份全球纯电汽车和插电式混合动力汽车销量的显著增加。根据市场研究公司RhoMotion的数据,9月份全球电动车销量同比增长30.5%,达到了169万辆。其中,中国市场的增长尤为抢眼,销量增长了47.9%,共计售出112万辆,创下新纪录。这一数据不仅表明了电动车市场的强劲复苏,也为相关股票的投资提供了重要的依据。
天眼查显示,近日,蔚来汽车科技(安徽)有限公司申请注册3枚“蔚来世界模型”“NIO World Model”文字及图形商标,国际分类为科学仪器,当前商标状态均为等待实质审查。今年7月,在NIO IN ...
Importantly, an EV that replaces a gas-burner in the U.S., China, or in any location in the world reduces the amount of ...
随着乐道的热卖,曾在2023年NIO Day上完成首发的蔚来ET9也终于现身工信部申报目录中,最受瞩目的是预售价高达80万元。而在这长达一年多的交付时间内,蔚来ET9究竟憋了哪些大招?下面,我们一起来看看。
Electric vehicle makers are facing multiple headwinds, including slowing demand due to macro pressures, intense competition, and additional tariffs on imports by certain countries. Nonetheless, Wall ...
Investors are assessing the impact of commercial bank rate cuts amid discussions that only government spending might revive ...