Only select Broadway theaters were going to dim their lights in memory of Creel, in a decision that was met with outrage by ...
英国国王查尔斯三世发声悼念已故影星玛吉·史密斯:“得知玛吉·史密斯爵士去世的消息,我和我的妻子都深感悲痛。”查尔斯三世在一份声明中称,“伴随着一位国宝的谢幕,我们与世界各地的人们一起,怀着最深切的敬意和喜爱,缅怀她许多精彩的表演,以及她在舞台上下都闪 ...
While lovely all her life, Ms. Smith was never a “professional beauty.” Her physical appearance was not her calling card.
The most intense pleasures of a Maggie Smith performance were seldom caused by loud histrionics. The moments that thrilled ...
(伦敦讯)英国资深女演员Dame Maggie Smith(玛姬史密斯),因在《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)系列电影中饰演“麦教授”一角而广为人知。新加坡时间27日晚,玛姬史密斯的儿子Chris Larkin(克里斯拉金)与Toby ...
Maggie Smith在影视文化中的影响力是显而易见的。作为一位女性艺术家,她以自身的成就激励了一代又一代的演员和艺术家。她不仅是许多年轻演员的榜样,更是质疑传统性别角色和影视行业刻板印象的象征。她对角色的深入诠释和对艺术的坚持,让无数人从中获得启发。
Actors, collaborators and fans who worked with Dame Maggie Smith are paying tribute to the award-winning actor, known for her ...
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曾在《Harry Potter》系列中饰演 Minerva McGonagall 的英国女演员 Maggie Smith 于周五早晨离世,享寿 89 岁。 「我们非常遗憾地宣布,女爵士 Maggie Smith 于 9 月 27 ...
After major backlash this week, the Broadway League’s Committee of Theatre Owners will dim the lights of all Broadway ...